We knew that...the man suffers from dementia. His only interest in this process is exacting vengeance against his enemies, fattening his wallet, and expanding his power base.
I am not surprised that corporations have quantified the costs of tailpipe regulations!
Everything in corporate America reduces to its cost!
Corporate America has always opposed Congressional oversight of its activities! But they have figured out that the best way to beat those regulations is to put a cost on them!
Going wsy back to 1880s and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, corporations have fought vigorously against lawful regulations adopted to protect Americans from fraud, abuse, toxic waste, manipulation of markets, child labor, air and water pollution, dangerous workplaces etc! They had little success! Americans understood the need for these laws, and Congress passed laws establishing Agencies independent of political meddling by the privileged ruling classes!
In 1982, during the Reagan years, the privileged ruling classes established The Federalist Society (TFS) to promote its interests!
The Federalist Society has 200 chapters on the campuses of American law schools! Their network of students, professors and justices push ultra conservative policies and views! It’s their main goal to rid themselves of Congressional oversight and these Independent Agencies!
They have advanced two concepts to strip Congress of its authority to regulate through these agencies!
The first concept successfully promoted by TFS requires that every regulation be analyzed comparing its costs to its benefits!
Yes! Let’s be forced to quantify the value of clean air! Get out your pens snd papers students! What’s the cost of every lung cancer treatment? What about transplants? How about asthma? How about the value of workdays lost 😡? Lives lost? Allergy treatments ad infinitum!
Only the privileged classes would reduce our health and safety to dollars and cents!
The cost is beside the fact that most of the cost of these regulations is passed on to the consumer! It’s that the privileged classes don’t want to be controlled by us, the people!
TFS’s second concept assisting the privileged ruling classes in ridding themselves of Congressional control, is the “unitary Presidency!” The “unitary” President would have full power to fire the heads of the Independent Agencies! The money and power of the privileged ruling classes can now control those bothersome Independent Agencies!
Ah! The ruling classes would finally have the relief they have sought for over 100 years!!
The unitary President undermines the very foundation of our U.S. Constitution! It substantially undermines the lawmaking ability of Congress and grants the President expansive powers to protect the privileges of the ruling classes!
Be forewarned that five (5) Supreme Court justices were hand- picked by the Federalist Society! Will they vote to give the President such excessive powers over Congress, The People’s House? Will they undermine the very foundation of our Constitution, three ( 3) co - equal branches of government?
We knew that...the man suffers from dementia. His only interest in this process is exacting vengeance against his enemies, fattening his wallet, and expanding his power base.
Yes! Let’s put a cost on clean air!
I am not surprised that corporations have quantified the costs of tailpipe regulations!
Everything in corporate America reduces to its cost!
Corporate America has always opposed Congressional oversight of its activities! But they have figured out that the best way to beat those regulations is to put a cost on them!
Going wsy back to 1880s and the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, corporations have fought vigorously against lawful regulations adopted to protect Americans from fraud, abuse, toxic waste, manipulation of markets, child labor, air and water pollution, dangerous workplaces etc! They had little success! Americans understood the need for these laws, and Congress passed laws establishing Agencies independent of political meddling by the privileged ruling classes!
In 1982, during the Reagan years, the privileged ruling classes established The Federalist Society (TFS) to promote its interests!
The Federalist Society has 200 chapters on the campuses of American law schools! Their network of students, professors and justices push ultra conservative policies and views! It’s their main goal to rid themselves of Congressional oversight and these Independent Agencies!
They have advanced two concepts to strip Congress of its authority to regulate through these agencies!
The first concept successfully promoted by TFS requires that every regulation be analyzed comparing its costs to its benefits!
Yes! Let’s be forced to quantify the value of clean air! Get out your pens snd papers students! What’s the cost of every lung cancer treatment? What about transplants? How about asthma? How about the value of workdays lost 😡? Lives lost? Allergy treatments ad infinitum!
Only the privileged classes would reduce our health and safety to dollars and cents!
The cost is beside the fact that most of the cost of these regulations is passed on to the consumer! It’s that the privileged classes don’t want to be controlled by us, the people!
TFS’s second concept assisting the privileged ruling classes in ridding themselves of Congressional control, is the “unitary Presidency!” The “unitary” President would have full power to fire the heads of the Independent Agencies! The money and power of the privileged ruling classes can now control those bothersome Independent Agencies!
Ah! The ruling classes would finally have the relief they have sought for over 100 years!!
The unitary President undermines the very foundation of our U.S. Constitution! It substantially undermines the lawmaking ability of Congress and grants the President expansive powers to protect the privileges of the ruling classes!
Be forewarned that five (5) Supreme Court justices were hand- picked by the Federalist Society! Will they vote to give the President such excessive powers over Congress, The People’s House? Will they undermine the very foundation of our Constitution, three ( 3) co - equal branches of government?