Donald Trump and Elon Musk aren’t just inflicting pain on poor people abroad or imagined “enemies within.” Their parade of cruelty is coming for MAGA country too.
Again, I must denigrate mitch who had two golden opportunities to shut down djt but did not. We can never deride him enough.
I knew more about djt as a man than I did about any previous American president. I know of nothing in his background that would qualify him for the presidency. He has absolutely no morals and no class he has proven that over and over and over. And every one of his worst traits just keep growing over time.
Again, I must denigrate mitch who had two golden opportunities to shut down djt but did not. We can never deride him enough.
I knew more about djt as a man than I did about any previous American president. I know of nothing in his background that would qualify him for the presidency. He has absolutely no morals and no class he has proven that over and over and over. And every one of his worst traits just keep growing over time.
This as comprehensive an indictment of Trump’s Neofascism as I’ve read anywhere!
Thank you for sharing Trump’s disregard for everyone and everything except himself!
MAGA will suffer along with the rest of the world!
I lay this epic tragedy at the chambers of the Roberts’s Court!
The Roberts’s Court decided that “corporations” are “persons!”
Their extreme wealth is extreme Speech!
Welcome to the White House, Tesla, StarLink, Amazon, Facebook, and Pay Pal just to name a few “persons” with a shit load of speech!
The voices of ordinary Americans were only whispers in the background of such a cacophony of advertising and propaganda!
Such horrific corporate wealth knows no soul! Tell the Roberts’ Court! only people have souls! Corporate wealth has power!
The Roberts’s Court brought us this Neofascist government!